3 | 耶鲁大学 (Yale University) | 1 人 |
8 | 杜克大学 (Duke University) | 1 人 |
9 | 宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania) | 1 人 |
10 | 约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) | 1 人 |
14 | 布朗大学 (Brown University) | 1 人 |
15 | 范德比尔特大学 (Vanderbilt University) | 1 人 |
20 | 加州大学伯克利分校 (University of California: Berkeley) | 1 人 |
21 | 艾默里大学 (Emory University) | 1 人 |
21 | 乔治城大学 (Georgetown University) | 1 人 |
26 | 弗吉尼亚大学 (University of Virginia) | 1 人 |
I know a friend who is actually attending this high school. First of all, this high school has the worst environment ever. This is as small as a office building, and the school environment is horrible second to none. Secondly, the school does not have any competent faculty. Many students are ineffective, and even lazier than their students. Third, the school is rather an "Asian Christian School" since ninety-nine percent of its students are Asians who are tricked by international agents. Fourth, its location is the worst location in this county. Overall, the worst school ever!!! Don't believe any word from agents, and choose wisely!!!
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