霍奇基斯中学 The Hotchkiss School
4.9 / 5 (19 点评)
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C 中国学生管理
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Columbia International College
Berkshire School
4.9 / 5 (18 点评)
Perkiomen School
3.5 / 5 (9 点评)
Trinity College School
20 加州大学伯克利分校 (University of California: Berkeley) 1
21 艾默里大学 (Emory University) 1
26 弗吉尼亚大学 (University of Virginia) 1
27 维克森林大学 (Wake Forest University) 1
29 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 (University of Michigan) 1
32 纽约大学 (New York University) 1
36 乔治亚理工学院 (Georgia Institute of Technology) 1
41 波士顿大学 (Boston University) 2
41 加州大学戴维斯分校 (University of California: Davis) 1
41 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 2
41 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 2
47 宾州州立大学帕克校区 (Penn State University Park) 4
51 迈阿密大学 (University of Miami) 2
52 俄亥俄州立大学哥伦比亚校区 (Ohio State University: Columbus Campus) 4
52 华盛顿大学 (University of Washington) 1
57 乔治华盛顿大学 (George Washington University) 1
57 康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut) 1
57 马里兰大学伯克分校 (University of Maryland: College Park) 2
61 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 (Purdue University) 1
66 福德汉姆大学 (Fordham University) 2
72 (Rutgers University) 2
75 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University) 5
75 特拉华大学 (University of Delaware) 2
75 麻省大学阿姆赫斯特分校 (University of Massachusetts Amherst) 1
82 迈阿密大学-牛津分校 (Miami University: Oxford) 2
82 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 (University of California: Santa Cruz) 1
82 爱荷华大学 (University of Iowa) 1
86 丹佛大学 (University of Denver) 1
99 德雷克赛尔大学 (Drexel University) 3
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Mao GE 12/19/2016
5 / 5
这所学校是美国历史上注册的第一所boarding school 寄宿制学校, 比美国成立的时间还要早一些 学校虽然不大,学生数量大约130人左右,但是这种小人口的学校 老师不少 只都会认识每个学生,这一点是“小”学校的优势。和国内的学校不同,人口少的学校在美国很多地方还是非常普遍的,大部分学校200-300多人,但还是有很多100多人的学校,很多学生表示很开心,小到也不用排队等吃饭,大到上课会有更多发言机会等等 学校的地理位置离纽约开车2.5小时,华盛顿DC 开车1.5小时,费城1小时,2016年的中国学生在9年级只有两个人,中国学生比例越来越控制更少的名额上。 机器人、物理等理科也是非常出色的
Jessie 06/23/2016
5 / 5
I visited the school twice (last May and December) and really liked the school. Faculty members really responsible, caring and professional. It has wonderful ESL program for students who don't speak English as their first language to transit and immerse. The student number is not as big as some boarding schools, but it really has a family atmosphere that everyone knows each other, helps each other and care about each other. I think this is really important for international students who study and live far away from home.

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[学术方面] In academic field, West Nottingham Academy is capable of providing necessary support to help students prepare for high school level courses as well as college level classes(APs and Advanced Math Topics) in advance. Due to the small size of the academy, students can easily build up strong connections with teachers, dorm parents and advisors for suggestions and helps. The class arrangements are mostly based on the knowledge level and preference of each student, which is great for future development in professional level. There are several PHD level teachers, who came from universities and can help students with strong academic skills to go further. The dean of academy is a kind and accessible person. Since the dean of academy is also my advisor, I had a chance to meet with the dean regularly during advisor meeting. The dean is always willing to listen to what students are thinking and help students to figure out the best solutions. Although there are a lot of advantages of the academy, there are still a few unsatisfied points. As a small size academy, the limited AP classes can be a burden for strong students, who can handle several APs all together and may desire to start to study APs as underclass(freshman and sophomore) students. The teachers are all passionate, but since most AP classes are just starting, most teachers still need time to adjust schedule and class arrangement, which may cause certain delays and a lack of reviewing time for AP exams. To be honest, the most important thing of AP class is always getting the knowledge, but the exam is still an unavoidable and final destination of most high school students. [生活方面] Considering myself as a person who is eager to enjoy tasty food, I was not surprised by the unsatisfied food in the academy. However, the lack of variety of food is still a priority question that most international students should put in the list for consideration. Imaging to eat similar and so-so food for three times a day and more than 200 days a year. The convenience of life is also a thing that need to think about. West Nottingham Academy sits in RisingSun, a lovely town in Maryland. The environment is great and the place is so quiet and ideal for studying. However, as soon as one decides to attend here, one also need to get ready to pay about $200-$400 for a ride to the airport. The nearest market(Martins) is about 20 mins drive and regular Martins trip will be held each Saturday. For short breaks like Thanksgiving and Long Weekend, the academy may arrange trips or other activities for students, but for long breaks like Summer, Christmas and Spring breaks, students are on their own. Boarding students are required to stay in dorms. There are four dorms in the campus, two for girls and two for boys. The internet will be provided all day long(the wifi is bad though), but lights out at 10:45pm. The room is ok, maybe better than other schools due to its satisfied size, but the bugs and weird creatures are annoying. [申请方面] To be honest, West Nottingham Academy is a family built by students from different countries. There are significant numbers of international students, especially Chinese. Sometimes, it may be considered as a con, but surrounding by international students can reduce the feeling of homesick and helpful for new students to get involved in the classes and cross the burden of English. Still, since most families worry about too many Chinese students may lead to a lack of practices of English, it is still something that should be considered before making the final decision. [课外活动和社团] West Nottingham Academy does provide and support a lot of clubs, like MUN, Math Club, Science Club and etc. As the president of math club, I need to say that though there are a lot of clubs, the school does not provide a reasonable time schedule for students to participate in, which triggers a decrease of passion. However, most students are still willing to be a member of one or even more clubs. It is also easy to create new clubs, but it may takes time to attract others to join those new clubs. The art department of the academy is strong. The art teacher is professional and kind. As a two year photography class student, it was always a great joy for me to discuss with the art teacher. The art resident program is fantastic since it provides opportunity for students to study with current college art students and learn from them. The afternoon sport is mandatory, which means students need to participate in at least one sport daily. Still, due to the limited number of students, the choices of sports are always limited, but popular and common sports like basketball and soccer are provided annually. For extracurricular events, students need to earn certain service learning hours and culture credits as a graduation criteria. Those events can not only help international students to learn about the culture of states but also great supplies for filling in the activities list in Commonapp.

3.0 / 5
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1.5 / 5
EdwardS 06/26/2016 查看全文
加小助手: fsmeigao2019
寄宿 9-12, PG
类型 混校
位置 城郊
学费 $57,800
人数 130
师生比 1:7
国际生 40%
寄宿比例 70%
高教比 85%
学校别名 西诺丁汉中学 西部诺丁汉学院
建校年份 1744年
校园面积 110英亩
班级大小 11
校友基金 $ 30,769/人
宗教关系 非宗教
Leman Manhattan
Bancroft School
5.0 / 5 (5 点评)
学校视频 (2)
全部2个视频 ⟩⟩
视频: Meet Western Reserve Academy
视频: West Nottingham Academy-Student Life
查看更多国际版本:英语, 越南语, 韩语.
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