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Miss hall的毕业走向怎么样?

YUYUX 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2017-02-23 15:09:21
  • 回答于02/25/2017
    Miss Hall’s School is an all-girls boarding school. All of their students continue on to institutions of higher learning.

    The School offers classes in math, science, history, English, foreign, arts, and athletics, also an off-campus experiential learning program called Horizons.

    The class of 2016 received acceptances from colleges such as Colorado College, Cornell University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Ithaca College, the Maryland Institute College of Art, Rochester Institute of Technology, Simmons College, Parsons School of Design, Penn State University, the University of St. Andrew's (in Scotland), and the University of Vermont. You can get a complete college acceptance list on their school official website.

    Many Chinese girls are reluctant to go to an all girls school. In fact I think that it is a good thing for some girls who are more timid to go there since they may be able to be at the top of the class without having boys around.
  • 回答于02/24/2017
    Miss Hall作为非常典型的新英格兰教育风格的女校比较重视女孩子的全面教育,他们学校的艺术和文化中心比科学中心悠久和完备多了,学校建筑也非常温馨,不是那种特别推动学生爬藤的学校,毕业生走向比较分散,比较重视女孩子的专业和个人兴趣的发展,进文理学院和小众大学的风气更浓。中国孩子入藤校的也不多,但整体不差,学校还是比较保守和传统的学校,学生管理还是比较严格的。
  • 回答于02/24/2017
    Miss Hall女子中学有35%的国际生,在文化融入方面经常会出现断层现象。除非孩子努力走出舒适区,否则同学圈子里的风气一定偏中国。
  • 回答于02/23/2017
  • FS小编 中级顾问