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请问Walnuts Hill School school for the Art 学校托福、和SSAT的成绩发送代码是什么?谢谢

millie982 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2018-12-30 23:29:52
  • 回答于01/02/2019
  • 回答于12/31/2018
  • 回答于12/31/2018


    The submission of standardized test results (SSAT or ISEE is required for all home-schooled applicants. English proficiency testing (TOEFL, TOEFL Jr. or iTEP-SLATE) is required of non-native English speakers. The submission of scores is optional for all other applicants; if you have taken the SSAT or ISEE and would like to submit your test scores, you are welcome to do so. The SSAT code for sending your scores to Walnut Hill School for the Arts is 8014; the ISEE code is 221480.
