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能不能帮忙推荐几所接收十二年级的转学生的高中? 我现在在美国读十一年级,想十二年级转学到别的学校,但是据周围人说这样的学校很少,是真的吗?

FS用户 通过 网站 提问于2013-03-08 10:45:00
  • Transferring to another school as a senior is usually not recommended. There are a few reasons why. First, as you mentioned, there are not so many schools that allow this type of transfer. Honestly, schools would possibly see that you would want to receive a high school diploma after just a year of stay and that does not sound good to them. Schools care more about students' growth as they become valuable part of their communities throughout entire school years. Secondly from college counseling point of view, this transfer does not any give positive view on you either, unless you present exceptional reasons why you transferred to a particular school at the senior year, and still this makes college admission office wonder why you did. Also, most elements of college application preparation will be done by your junior year; your transcript in junior year will be more important than that in senior year and your activities until junior year will be considered more as colleges review your file.
  • Third,if you transfer, then it is also a new environment where you should start all over again, new friends, new housing situation, and new teachers. That must be tough. And most likely you will go to a college somewhere else again one year later. The first semester at senior year is the busiest time for you to create applications, to take tests, and to maintain good grades for colleges as well. In this situation, adding another pressure to you such as adjusting to a new environment would not be very practical unless you have some exceptional reasons.

    I suggest you rather to take good college counseling and guidance while staying at the current school and that will possibly bring a better result to you.
  • 通常不建议11年级转校,有如下几个原因。首先,没有很多学校接受这样的转校生。因为学校认为一年以后将发给你该学校的毕业证,这样对学校不是很有利。学校看中的是学生在该校的成长。其次,从大学咨询的角度来看,这种转校对于你自己也是不利。除非你给出一个特别的理由说明你转校的原因。即便如此,大学招生办也会怀疑你转校的原因。此外,申请大学的材料都是前三年的积累,大学更看重你在11年级的成绩和你之前的课外活动。第三,如果你转校,你需要在一个新的环境中重新开始,新的朋友,新的住宿环境,新的老师。肯定是不容易的。你在一年之后即将进入大学,在12年级的第一个学期你将忙于递交申请,考试,保持良好学习成绩。在这种情况下,除非你有极特殊的原因,否则转校是徒增你的压力。
  • 回答于03/08/2013
    有几个波士顿和洛杉矶的公立学校,都是当地排名很靠前的公立学校, SAT 平均分都在1800以上。可以接受国际生, F-1签证,只能读一年, 最合适12年级。这些公立学校国际生要交14000美金的学费。 寄宿家庭和学费年总费用在3万美金。
  • 北京孙老师 中级顾问
  • 回答于04/12/2013
  • 回答于03/10/2013
