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FS用户 通过 网站 提问于2013-04-09 10:30:00
  • I understand that you are a sophomore now and plan to transfer to another school in next spring as a junior. For your question, yes, there would be some schools that can receive you for spring semester. Second, I would not suggest you to take this path except you are in any emergency situation. If you stay one more semester as a junior, then you are applying to colleges. Transferring as a junior in the middle of year would not look good to colleges either, and you are going into a different school which might have different culture, attitude, grading system, new friends and all other new stuff. That requires a serious adjustment process. Even any good student would take some time to adjust and this adjustment would take some of your very precious energy that is supposed to be spent on your preparation for colleges in your junior year. My recommendation is rather to select a good college counselor and work hard for your college application options while you are staying at the current school. This can give you a better chance for you to go to a better college later.
  • 您现在是一名十年级学生,考虑明年11年级转校,针对您提的问题,答案是有!有一些学校可以接收你的春季入学。第二,我不建议您走这条路,除非你有特殊情况。如果您在目前的学校在继续呆一年的话,直接申请大学。而您在中途转学,大学校方也会认为不太好。如果转校,您将面临很大的调整,不同的学校文化,学习态度,分数制度等,新的朋友和所有其他新的环境。即使任何优秀的学生也会需要一些时间来调整。这种调整会占去你原本需要用在大学申请上的宝贵的精力。我的建议是继续在您目前的学校,求助于专业的大学咨询老师,给您提供专业的申请建议,这样大大提高了您去好大学的机会。
  • 回答于04/09/2013
    转学的主要原因是什么? 如果必须转, 建议你今年秋季转, 11年级春季转, 除非你特别优秀, 否则很难找到好学校。你不妨把您的实际情况讲一下, 看能不能帮你找到比你现在好的学校。
  • 东方欲晓 中级顾问
  • 回答于04/11/2013
