因为不了解这个中美班是个什么样的班,比如老师是否全部外教,课程是中国高中和美国高中结合的还是全美国式的,等等,我很难回答这个问题。总之多数来美国读高中是为了更好的适应美国大学或者是更喜欢美国的教育理念,那这个中美班的优势都有哪些呢?比对一下中美班和来美国的pros and cons,再看看自己想要的是什么可能会容易做出选择。
If the student is mature enough, I always suggest that they go to boarding school rather than stay in China. Both my children went to a good international school in Hong Kong. Even though the international school uses a US curriculum, my children still found it a lot more challenging in the States (at PEA).
The accept rate from China into good colleges in the States is not high; too many good students from China applying to too few spaces. The accept rates from boarding schools to colleges are higher, providing that the student is not at the bottom of the class.