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请介绍Harrisburg Academy(宾州)和Tatnall School(特拉华州).儿子在上海民办读初二,准备15年去美国读9年级,小托福860,12月份第一次准备考托福。这两所学校托福成绩要求如何?多谢!

blake 通过 网站 提问于2014-10-13 00:55:00
  • 官方回答
    Sharon Vandiver Admissions Coordinator of The Tatnall School
    译文:Tatnall School对申请学生没有最低托福分数的要求。但学校没有ESL课程,所以学校会根据托福分数来评估国际申请学生的英语水平。
    原文:At present The Tatnall School do not have a minimum TOEFL score for application consideration. However, since we do not offer the ESL program, we do consider the TOEFL to assess English proficiency of International applicants.
  • 官方回答
    Miranda Connelly Admission Assistant, International Student Coordin
    译文:申请Harrisburg Academy哈里森堡学院9年级的国际学生的托福成绩需达到70分以上。
    原文:Each student must provide official transcripts of a successful academic record, superior TOEFL scores (70+ for grade nine), and be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English.
  • blake 读者
