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我的双胞胎女儿被FORSYTH COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 这所走读学校八年级录取并且办好了学生签证。现在问题是寄宿家庭住宿没有解决,学校只能9年级时提供帮助,我们只能留在国内读八年级了。现在考虑明年转学去相近城市的OAK RIDGE MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL寄宿学校。请了解这两所学校的老师帮助分析下,我们该怎样选择。谢谢。

wending 通过 网站 提问于2015-09-15 22:39:00
  • 回答于09/17/2015
    “Our high school senior was sent to Oak Ridge as her choice to pursue a military career; she went from top grades and high honors to failing grades and social drama by the end of second break. The school has no regard for parents, does not communicate about problems that exist in administration and discipline -- does not stand for its own stated values! Look very carefully at its record and definitely send your child elsewhere.”
    “My son attended this school I don't like the way they treat the parents and they have no respect for anybody. It takes a act of congress to get anything done and they won't return calls and they're dorm building are out of date there showers have water shooting out of the top and the bathrooms are disgusting I gaged when I picked my son up there's drugs going all around the place they can't discplene at all every one runs wild and out of control.If you want you're child to better them selfs this is not the place”
  • 江老师Sean 中级顾问
  • 回答于09/17/2015
    要女儿读军队学校有特别原因吗?必须在North Carolina 是吗?
  • 庄稼把式 中级顾问
  • 回答于09/17/2015
    您好!FORSYTH COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 学术很好,100%大学录取率,其中不乏考入藤校的毕业生,http://www.fcds.org/advantage/,2008-2013年5年中毕业生共申请到2800万美金的大学奖学金,SAT平均分达到1867,21门AP课程,65%的学生考到4分以上。师生比8:1,76%教师拥有高级学位,80%以上教师教龄超过10年,白人学生近90%。
  • 回答于09/17/2015
