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请问老师,Alexander Dawson School这所学校招中国学生吗?九年级在读,想明年去。

小蜜蜂xm 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2016-08-29 13:22:45
  • 回答于08/30/2016
  • 回答于09/01/2016
    Yes they do.
    You will need teacher recommendations, an official record of present and previous academic work, TOEFL score, and interview (skype interviews are acceptable if a campus visit is not possible). Please note they do not offer any ESL support, and applicants must meet the following TOEFL score minimums for admission:
    Grades 8 & 9: 85
    Grade 10: 90
    Grade 11: 95
  • 庄稼把式 中级顾问
