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Lyndon Institute住宿如何?卫浴是如何分配的?

FS用户 通过 网站 提问于2017-04-29 21:57:24
  • 官方回答
    Tiaan van der Linde Director of Admissions
    译文:Lyndon Institute有6栋宿舍,3栋住女生,3栋住男生。部分小型容纳6名学生,部分是大的有27名学生。寄宿生有来自除了美国以外18个不同国家的学生。最多有10名寄宿生分享一间有4个洗漱台、4个淋浴设备和4个厕所的洗浴间。每栋宿舍都有公共休息室和共用的厨房(尽管每个学生都在学校餐厅吃饭)、桌椅、沙发、电视和游戏等。卧室、洗浴间和洗衣房都在楼上走廊中。75%的的卧室是单人间,25%是双人间。如有任何问题欢迎直接咨询学校。
    原文:We have six dormitories, three for boys and three for girls. Some are small (6 students) and some are large (27 students). We have boarding students from the USA and 18 other countries. The highest number students sharing a bathroom with four sinks, four, showers, and four toilets is 10. Every dormitory has a common room with a shared kitchen (although each student takes regular meals in our dining hall), chairs and tables, couches, TVs, games, etc. Bedrooms, bathrooms, and laundry facilities are in the upstairs hallways. 75% of our rooms are single (one bed) and 25% are double (two beds).
